The overhead door is an integral part of many homes, and because it is built to last through years and years of daily usage, many grow dependent on the convenience it offers.
So, when a garage door begins to show symptoms that compromise its smooth and problem-free functionality, things can get frustrating pretty quick.
This is why it’s vital to have the door to your garage seen for professional maintenance services at least once every year, and we at ASAP Garage Doors Philadelphia are always happy to do so for you!
We know the dangers that can follow or take place during poorly executed fixes, and because our company is dedicated to making things easier for overhead door owners in our community, we want to eradicate the possibility of ever having to hear about any accidents occurring from a DIY garage door repair in Lehigh Valley.
You may, from time to time, feel the urge to attempt a repair project on your own–sure, there are certain jobs that can be done oneself without the need of a licensed technician’s help.
However, it’s crucial to know the difference between which repairs are safe to do without any proper training versus those that unavoidably come with too many complex steps and risks.
So, before embarking on a do-it-yourself endeavor to get your faulty garage door back to normal, take some time to read through these points that will detail how DIY fixes can be dangerous.
Safety concerns
It’s no secret overhead doors are big and heavy things, but beyond that, they are also composed of various parts that, while they may be less massive or intimidating to look at, can be life-threatening in their own ways.
The ever-present possibility of your garage door’s crushing weight suddenly falling on you is not the only incident you have to be careful of.
For one, torsion springs are a crucial component to counterbalancing the weight of your overhead door and allowing its movement, and to do this, they hold very high amounts of tension that can cause unsightly damage or injuries when improperly handled.
That’s not nearly half of it, though, as there are plenty more wrong moves or unexpected failures during a DIY repair that have the potential to end in disaster.
Keep yourself, your vehicles and belongings, as well as housemates and pets safe from things getting out of hand by simply looking up “garage door repair in Lehigh Valley” for trustworthy professional services instead of relying on do-it-yourself instructions that could take a turn for the worst at any moment.
Incorrect or inaccurate treatment
Google deep-dives for instructional articles and YouTube tutorials can only get you so far; these are no alternative for the actual knowledge and experience that certified garage door technicians already possess, making them qualified to handle any task up ahead.
Tips pulled from the internet and other sources may be helpful, but they don’t guarantee the successful execution of everyone who attempts them.
For starters, you could be mistaking the actual problem your overhead door has for an entirely different one, leading you to look up the wrong instructions, collect inappropriate tools and supplies (some of which can be very hard to get access to if you are not a licensed professional).
You don’t want to waste your time “fixing” a part of the system that may not have had any issues to begin with–talk about counterproductive cost-cutting!
Even if you do manage to correctly diagnose your overhead door’s issue/s, it’s still likely you’ll make mistakes or skip a few crucial steps along the way, and dragging yourself back to square one after realizing you’ve messed up is no fun.
Remember that a garage door that isn’t repaired right can be just as hazardous as one that hasn’t seen a single repair, so take care to trust only a reputable servicing company, like ASAP Garage Doors Philadelphia to keep yours in good shape.
So, if you’re looking for a good garage door repair in Philadelphia, trust that we’ve got everything on hand to deal with it for you!
You can reach out to us for garage door installation in Philadelphia too!